年代 : 令和4年
サイズ : 15 × 9 cm
限定 : -
技法 : 陶土にドローイング
詳細 : -
額装 : -
2015 武蔵野美術大学造形学部油絵学科版画専攻卒
2018 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科修了
2022 景色のつくりかた(銀河101)
2021 Time flies.(Gallery美の舎)
2020 収集→保存あつめてのこす(高知県立美術館)
Girls in the Paper.(ギャラリーそうめい堂)
2017 浜松市美術館版画大賞展 審査員特別賞
川上澄生美術館木版画大賞 奨励賞
高知国際版画トリエンナーレ展 高知県立美術館賞
アワガミ国際ミニプリント展 藤森實賞
2015 武蔵野美術大学卒業制作展 優秀賞 (武蔵野美術大学)
全国大学版画展 収蔵賞 (町田市立国際版画美術館)
Title: PON!D
Artist: HANO Kanami
Date: 2022
Size: 15 × 9 cm
Edition: -
Technique: Drawing on ceramics
Detail: -
Frame: -
2015 Graduated from Musashino Art University, B.A. of Department of Painting, Major of printmaking
2018 Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, M.A. of the Printmaking Department
2022 How to make a Landscape (Ginga 101)
Rarara to Utau (Japanese tea cafe Gallery Rafu)
2021 Time flies. (Gallery Binosha)
2020 "収集→保存あつめてのこす" (The Museum of Art, Kochi)
"Girls in the Paper." (Gallery Soumei-do)
2017 Special Prize, Print Grand Prize Exhibition (Hamamatsu City Museum of Art)
Woodblock Print Grand Prix, Encouragement Prize
(Kawakami Sumio Museum of Art, Kanuma)
Kochi International Print Triennial Exhibition,
Kochi Prefectural Art Museum Prize (Ino-Cho Paper Museum)
Awagami International Mini-print Exhibition, Fujimori Minoru Prize
(Awa Washi Traditional Industry Hall)
2015 Musashino Art University Graduation Works Exhibition,
Excellent Prize (Musashino Art University)
Collection Prize, University Print Exhibition
(Machida City Museum of Graphic Arts)
Artist Comment
A person who throws something of mass into a pond.
I like museums, and the earthenwares there supplied inspiration for me.
The lines become one with the material, or rather, the drawing burns and hardens with the material as it is, which was interesting to me.
I wonder if the work could be unearthed hundreds of years later as the artist's work of 2022 if I bury it in the soil.
When placed in natural light, the line can deepen or fade.
Gallery Commentary
HANO creates portraits that seem to dissolve into space through the deep layers and blotches on Japanese paper.
The quiet intensity of her works seems to flow into us as we follow the figures' gaze, which is intentionally blurred and blurred. Also, that is changing their expressions each time we look at them and giving us a discovery.
The humorous forms of the figures and animals in her artwork are changing, which is fun to follow. Her recent attempts to create supports and sculptures are also noteworthy.
About the Delivery
We will send this artwork after Wednesday, December 21, 2022, due to the exhibition of HANO Kanami's solo exhibition "Onna no Manimani."
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